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Caribbean Film Corner

The first year, The Director's & Actor's workshop/Masters class,
was headlined by multi-award winning director Horace OVE,
 award winning actor and Trinidadian actor Rudolph WALKER,
and the multi talented Producer and Director of Luti Media, Oladoke 'Luti' Fagbenle,
moderated by Trinidadian Journalist Franka Phillips.
Under the auspices of the Portobello Film Festival, Kalinago Entertainment Limited has pulled together 2 fantastic evening designed to showcase young Caribbean Film Makers from ALL four of the language groups in the region. The intention is for this to be the inaugural event showcasing up and coming film makers whilst paying tribute to the Caribbean people who have made their mark on the Stage and Screen around the world. the event was held at the  16 &17 September 2009
at The Tabernacle Powis Square ,Notting Hill , London







Caribbean Film Corner   http://www.kalient.com



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