Pamela Roberts is the founder and director of Artistry, a
social enterprise, set up to develop and deliver arts and
media projects to educate, empower and entertain
diverse audiences.
She is a cultural practitioner engaged in promoting and
developing independent Black films and filmmakers from the
African Diaspora, and conceiving, developing and producing
Black cultural heritage projects which celebrates and
acknowledges Black heritage contributions and achievements.
Artistry has produced a number of award winning projects
and events.
We have a successful track record of developing and
delivering original short term and long term projects for
national and international clients, working with
international producers, directors, artists and writers .
We have worked with Caribbean countries and high
commissioners, international companies, corporate
organisations, third sector organisations and a variety of
funding agencies.
For further details see the past projects section, for
details on the services Artistry can provide see the
services section of the website.