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A youth debate which aims to examine the impact, if any, of the election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the USA
As we enter another new year, it is traditional for many to make long check lists of what they want to achieve in the year, take a picture of where they want to be by the end of the year and dream happy dreams of the new life, or new body, or new acquisition that is going to make life that much more purposeful and meaningful. Yet within a matter of days, a vast proportion of people who make such New Year's resolutions have either watered down the promise to points of meaninglessness, or totally abandoned the entire project, to be laughingly dismissed as 'one of those things'. Beyond the surface though, there is nothing particularly funny about this at all, as it is indicative of a troubling deeper malaise that impacts our lives in ways that we do not seem to readily understand.
As a group of concerned African-Caribbean men, the 100 Black Men of London seek to improve the quality of life in our communities and to enhance educational and economic opportunities through pooling together our collective resources.

The 100 Black Men of London recognise the challenges confronting our youth today and will endeavour to provide leadership and support. In essence, to create an environment where our youth are motivated to achieve and empower themselves to become economic and moral shareholders in the communities we serve. 100bm Website



Obama - So What?  So they have a Black President - who cares?

'President Obama - So What?' is a youth debate which aims to examine the impact, if any, of the election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America on young people in the UK.

Barack Obama's presidential win stands as a testament to the changing times we live in; a time when our youth can now dream bigger dreams and believe that anything is possible.

But is this the reality for many of the youth here in the UK?

His message of 'Change we can believe in' extends outside of the shores of America to men, women and young people around the world. The adult population (public and media alike) has been inspired and energised by the election of Barack Obama to the highest office in the land.

But how do young people living in the UK today feel about it?
Is it a big deal to them?
Do they feel it will make a difference to their lives or opportunities?
Do they care?
It is these questions and more that the 'President Obama - So What' debate aims to discover.

With Barack Obama expected to land on these shores in April for his first visit as President, c-a-n-i Academy CIC and the 100 Black Men of London, supported by The Bernie Grant Arts Centre, presents the first debate of its kind, giving the London's young people a platform to air their views on what the election of President Barack Obama means to them.

Dawn Butler MP
We are extremely pleased that Dawn Butler MP has agreed to join us for this important and timely debate.

Please note this is a youth debate open to young people aged 15 - 25 years old: We have a limited amount places available to adults aged over 25 years .
This event is free to all entrants (Entrance will however be on a strict 'first come, first served' basis)

Date: Saturday 4th April 2009

Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Location: Bernie Grant Arts Centre, Town Hall Approach Road, London, N15 4RX

Supporters & Sponsors of Bernie Grant Arts Centre
For more information and press enquires:

E: Obama@100bmol.org.uk
W: www.kenbarnes.co.uk/obama

T: 0208 820 0809 - Ken Barnes
T: 0870 121 4 100 - Kolarele Sonaike
Mailing Address:
President Obama - So What Youth Debate, 100 Black Men of London, The Bridge
12 - 16 Clerkenwell Road, London, EC1M 5PQ

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